Let’s Build

Welcome, fellow digital media educator! If you are looking to join the Design Dojo - this is the place!

If you are looking for the Design Dojo Teacher’s Resources page (for awesome classroom posters, handouts, fonts, etc.) click the link below:

So what is the Design Dojo?

Glad you asked. The Design Dojo is a creative collective of + 1300 teachers worldwide united by two big dreams:

  1. Make learning design and digital media truly enjoyable and empowering.

  2. Incentivize students to use their creative powers to help good causes in need.

And that’s where you come in!

The Design Dojo can only accomplish these goals with your help. The more educators who contribute valuable feedback and adopt this design-for-good model, the better the resource will become - and the bigger the social impact we can make together.

By joining forces with the Design Dojo, you’ll also get exclusive access to more amazing resources on our super-secret, educators-only page. Just sign up below to gain access.

If you are already a member here’s the link to the super-secret teacher page (password protected).